Digital Identity, Privacy and Cybersecurity

Traces blow away in the sand; the digital traces we leave behind on the internet and the devices and systems connected to it can come to light again even after a long time. And not only with the help of cyber forensics.

The BFH Centre Digital Society deals with questions relating to the security of IT systems with a focus on data protection and privacy. With the help of security and reverse engineering, applications and systems are examined to detect vulnerabilities and unnecessary data collectors. With the discovered facts, citizens are to be sensitised to develop an awareness of the dangers of unknowingly exposed data.
In interdisciplinary teams and in cooperation with partners from industry, administration and academia, the BFH Centre develops digital identities and applications (such as e-voting, e-ticketing or road pricing systems) that are not only secure, but also intrinsically contain data and privacy protection from the outset (security and privacy-by-design).

All articles on Digital Identity, Privacy and Cybersecurity

Handling personal data according to the BGEID – Part 1

On 7 March 2021, the BGEID, i.e. the Federal Act on Electronic Identification Services, will be voted on. In this two-part article, an overview…

E-ID connection from the point of view of a company

If a web application wants to use the E-ID (according to the law), it has to overcome some challenges. This compilation is intended to help clarify…

About privacy at login

Everyone knows that with a social login, e.g. with Google or Facebook, user data is collected and the profiles formed from this data have a lot…

With the planned E-ID to the Covid 19 vaccination? A thought experiment

Would the planned state E-ID be applicable for registration for Covid 19 vaccinations? Could the extensive and time-consuming registration in…

“With the E-ID law, Switzerland is taking a pioneering role”

For Nicolas Bürer, Managing Director of digitalswitzerland, the Swiss e-ID is indispensable. In an interview with Prof. Dr. Reinhard Riedl,…

“How can the state ensure cyber security?”

Why the state's lack of digital competence can lead to a loss of control and why Min Li Martithinks the Schaffhausen E-ID is good is explained…

Taking back control of our data: Re-decentralizing the Web, for good this time (Part 2)

A recurring theme in the above centralization races is the lack of choice: a choice of browser and operating system, of entry point to the Web,…

The SwissCovid app – many strengths, some weaknesses

From 25 June, Swiss citizens will be able to use the SwissCovid app, which complements classic contact tracing in the containment of coronavirus.…

Referendum against the E-ID law

There is a need for usable and trustworthy electronic identification. It is a pillar of digital democracy and will also be used for the exercise…

The Swiss electronic identity

Switzerland is a federation of the Confederation, cantons and municipalities. Federated systems correspond to the character of Switzerland. The…

What if the AHV number became an email address?

Digital identity is particularly important in official communication with authorities. Our guest author and President of the Conference of Cantonal…

Self-Sovereign Identities – Will we control our identity ourselves in the future?

In the real world we can identify ourselves easily and securely, but in the virtual world we still cannot. For digital identification, there…