Digital Business and Finance
How can businesses leverage digital technologies to improve their efficiencies, create new froms of value, and transform whole markets and industries? How do digital plattforms impact our businesses and the economy as a whole?
These are examples for the questions we strive to answer in this section of SocietyByte. We will present the results of own cutting-edge research, augmented with contributions from leading experts in industry and academia. Together, we want to shape future leaders that know how to effectively leverage digital innovation fro the benefit of their organizations and the economy as a whole, all the while being conscious about their role to foster a sustainable and responsible digital future for us all.
All articles on Digital Business and Finance

Digital transformation at the Swiss Post – when digital meets physical
Digital Business & Finance EN, Interview EN, Nicht kategorisiert/
More than technology, successful digital transformation is about the changes in processes and structures in an organization - in other words,…

“It’s neither fair nor economically wise” – a podcast episode about the situation of female founders in Switzerland
Digital Business & Finance EN, New Work EN, Podcast ENFor every 10 men who start a business, there are only 6 women. In the 8th episode of our podcast, we talk about the reasons for this and how…

How the Fashion Industry can become more sustainable
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENWhen you think of the fashion industry, fast fashion and poorly paid seamstresses in Asia might first come to your mind. In a personal report,…

What moral values mean for corporate social responsibility
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENMore and more companies are taking on social responsibility. The role of moral values in this is the subject of a study written by David Risi…

How prototypes influence the success of technology crowdfunding
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENWhen technology companies seek financial support via a crowdfunding platform, they have more success if their prototype is not yet final and…

How we can improve the framework conditions for female founders in Switzerland
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENIn Switzerland, women are less likely to start an innovative company than men. Researchers at BFH Wirtschaft have investigated the reasons for…

Axiom Award for Handbook of Digital Transformation
Digital Business & Finance EN, News ENProf. Dr. Nikolaus Obwegeser and his colleagues from the IMD Business School Lausanne will receive the Axiom Book Award 2022 for a practical…

When customers do not understand the benefits of radical innovations
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENHas your company successfully developed a revolutionary product that offers customers unique added value? Congratulations! Now they "only" have…

How to implement and accelerate your Business Transformation
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENTriggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, digital transformation has made it to the top of the business agenda. When an organization is facing obvious…

Future thinking is an important tool for leaders
Digital Business & Finance EN, Interview EN"It is a utopia that sticking to what exists provides security. On the contrary. Consciously implementing and leading the process of proactively…

What is the state of digitalisation in your company?
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENIs it possible to measure digital fitness? The Bern University of Applied Sciences of Economics has developed a questionnaire for SMEs. Using…

Measuring digital fitness – a test for SMEs
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENThere are various interpretative frameworks, maturity models and awards for the digital transformation of companies. But in practice, there is…