Digital Business and Finance
How can businesses leverage digital technologies to improve their efficiencies, create new froms of value, and transform whole markets and industries? How do digital plattforms impact our businesses and the economy as a whole?
These are examples for the questions we strive to answer in this section of SocietyByte. We will present the results of own cutting-edge research, augmented with contributions from leading experts in industry and academia. Together, we want to shape future leaders that know how to effectively leverage digital innovation fro the benefit of their organizations and the economy as a whole, all the while being conscious about their role to foster a sustainable and responsible digital future for us all.
All articles on Digital Business and Finance

Two sides of the same coin: together, CSR and ESG concepts unfold their effectiveness
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution EN/
In public and in business, the demand is becoming louder and louder that companies must play an active role in sustainable development. And companies…

How digital tools improve cooperation in the export business
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENIn an Innosuisse project, the Bern University of Applied Sciences and the University of Applied Sciences Grisons investigated how digital tools…

Making the world more sustainable with second-hand clothes
Digital Business & Finance EN, Podcast EN, Transdisciplinary ENSolving social problems that would otherwise fall through the cracks? More and more start-ups see this as an opportunity to implement their sustainable…

“With process mining, we are helping to reduce CO2 emissions”
Digital Business & Finance EN, Interview ENFounded by three students, Celonis has grown from a start-up to one of the fastest growing software companies in Europe. They develop process…

“Failure without a happy ending is not publishable” – Podcast about the dark side of entrepreneurship
Digital Business & Finance EN, Podcast ENSuccessful entrepreneurs have visions, turn them into sensational business models and only sleep 4 hours. We know this glorified image, but hardly…

How can inclusion succeed with the help of digital skills?
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENSocial organisations are directly affected by the digital transformation .It is not only a question of whether today's work components could…

How Swiss banks and insurance companies implement sustainable measures
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution EN, Transdisciplinary ENHow can the finance and insurance industry also contribute to a more sustainable economy? This question is at the centre of current debates in…

Why platforms drive the circular economy
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution EN, Smart City & Living EN, Transdisciplinary ENThe use of digital technologies (DT) to promote circular practices in all industrial sectors plays a key role in addressing the issues of sustainability,…

Why eating spaghetti can earn you minus points
Digital Business & Finance EN, Podcast ENFrom environmental protection to customs clearance to taxes - the Chinese government also monitors companies. Researcher Omar Serrano from the…

The revolution of polymer trading: how Meraxis drives digital innovation across their ecosystem
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENWorking sustainably with plastics and recycling - that is the goal of the Bern-based company Meraxis. Michael Grysczyk, Head of Digital and Disruptive…

How technology helps us navigate around the data protection icebergs
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENPrivacy enhancing technologies ensure that the security risks of processing customer data remain manageable, your customer data is protected…

How companies use our data, but also protect it
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENCompanies have immense potential with our data, which they can use to develop products and applications. At the same time, they must also take…