
The unease of interdisciplinarity
Column EN, Transdisciplinary EN/
There are people who get sick from psychotherapy. After psychotherapy has actually helped them, they look at everything and anything from a psychotherapeutic…

The Future of the Digital “Public Service
Column EN, Transdisciplinary ENThe term "service public" or "digital services of general interest", is used as a political, administrative law and social science concept. What…

Bottom-up or transversal or different? – Three approaches to digital transformation
Column EN, Transdisciplinary ENAgain and again one hears that it is now finally time to dispose of digitalisation as a cross-sectoral, transversal issue. We have to develop…

Digital neurosis: How our attention is attacked
Column EN, Transdisciplinary ENWhile I was trying to write a post on artificial intelligence, I was briefly distracted by an article on anxiety disorders. What people with…

The narratives of the IT industry
Column EN, Transdisciplinary ENNarratives shape the digital transformation of society much more than we think. We don't like to admit this because we love the illusion of rational…

Digital personalisation – future opportunity or dead end (2)
Column EN, Top Topic EN, Transdisciplinary ENPart 1 of this column highlighted that digital personalisation optimises conditional expectation values to offer tailored products and services…

Digital personalisation: future opportunity or dead end (1)
Column EN, Top Topic EN, Transdisciplinary ENIn many areas, personalisation represents great progress, economically and socially. It has complex causes and is, among other things, a result…

The Discretisation of Politics (Part 2)
Column EN, Transdisciplinary ENDoes the binary representation of digital data with zeros and ones lead to less compromise and more black-or-white politics? In Part1, I described…