
Entries by Stephan Haller

A tool for smart community strategies

A smart government platform for small and medium-sized municipalities – this is what researchers at the Institute of Public Sector Transformation at BFH Wirtschaft are working on.With the ongoing innovation project “InoVille 4.0”, they are developing the foundations and models so that municipalities can use smart government strategies and intelligent management processes and act more […]

Switching Digital in Teaching: A Short Experience Report from a 1-Day Online Teaching Event

Switching teaching to digital can be quite easy and still provide an excellent learning opportunity for the students: To let our students in the project management course experience what happens when executing projects, we play with them a project management simulation game. While in other years we ran this as an event in our biggest […]

Linked Open Data for Smart Cities? New developments from the research perspective

Almost all cities that call themselves a smart city or want to become one also have a strategy on Open Data and often publish relevant data on their own portals. The reason for this is especially the promotion of data-based innovations by third parties. Linked Data is not very widespread so far. However, trends towards […]

September issue: An ecosystem is essential for the establishment of smart cities

A few years ago, the MIT scientist Otto Scharmer coined the expression or rather the demand“from ego-system to eco-system”. He was referring primarily to macroeconomic aspects and postulated that in order to master today’s major challenges (climate change, poverty, financial crisis, etc.), a change in thinking was necessary: away from a focus on one’s own […]

Basic registers and standards data as precursors for Linked Data

Base registers are central components of a Linked Data ecosystem. Together with commonly used data models or ontologies, they ensure that data sets can be linked with each other even across organisational boundaries. Without them, Linked Data would not be possible. Based on an ongoing project that aims to advance the publication of Linked Open […]

How a Smart Building Enables New Ways of Teaching and Learning: An Example from Tokyo

Commonly smart buildings are mainly associated with using ICT in order to make a building more energy-efficient. But this is only one aspect – albeit an important one. A smart building offers many more possibilities, like more flexible usage of the spaces in the building, or new forms of interaction between people or with the […]