
Entries by Nikolaus Obwegeser

Learning-to-be-Green: Focus on sustainability and digital transformation

Can green entrepreneurship be learnt more effectively with the help of chatbots? What do innovative, digital teaching and learning scenarios and modern learning materials look like today, and how do you create a sustainable learning environment? The research project “Learning-to-be-Green” (L2BGreen for short), funded by the European Commission, aims to find the right answers to […]

The revolution of polymer trading: how Meraxis drives digital innovation across their ecosystem

Working sustainably with plastics and recycling – that is the goal of the Bern-based company Meraxis. Michael Grysczyk, Head of Digital and Disruptive Business at Meraxis, explains how he tackles digital and sustainable change together. In the interview, he talks about the importance of digital technologies for the business strategy and why a digitalised polymer […]

Digital transformation at the Swiss Post – when digital meets physical

More than technology, successful digital transformation is about the changes in processes and structures in an organization – in other words, about the employees. In order for teams to be able to react quickly and flexibly to new conditions, they have to redesign their cooperation. As Head of Technology, Strategy & Steering and Member of […]

How to implement and accelerate your Business Transformation

Triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, digital transformation has made it to the top of the business agenda. When an organization is facing obvious competitive or financial pressures, most leaders find it easier to communicate the urgent need for change. But what if all is well in the world? When businesses are humming along nicely, building […]