
Entries by Annett Laube

With the planned E-ID to the Covid 19 vaccination? A thought experiment

Would the planned state E-ID be applicable for registration for Covid 19 vaccinations? Could the extensive and time-consuming registration in the cantonal vaccination portal, e.g. the VacMe portal of the canton of Bern (, be omitted? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the planned E-ID? The E-ID, which will be put to the […]

The SwissCovid app – many strengths, some weaknesses

From 25 June, Swiss citizens will be able to use the SwissCovid app, which complements classic contact tracing in the containment of coronavirus. Our researchers took a close look at the app before its release – a statement. The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has presented ten criteria for assessing contact tracing apps. Six of these […]

How companies handle electronic business processes securely

The expansion of the Swissdec information platform places new security requirements on the identification and authentication of participating companies. The Swissdec Enterprise Authentication (SUA) comprises the processes for registration, configuration as well as renewal and revocation, which allow a company to obtain a Swissdec Enterprise Certificate and thus make the data exchange secure and binding. […]

May-June issue: How companies and authorities exchange data securely

Most businesses today are digitally managed. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are used to control entrepreneurial and operational processes. Optimally, many business processes can be automated. However, a prerequisite for this is also a data exchange with other companies as well as insurance companies and authorities without media discontinuity. Ideally, this task can be taken […]

Useful and secure digital identities for all areas of life and their properties

Digital identities are with us every day. The technical possibilities are very diverse. How can digital identities enable secure identification for eGovernment and eHealth on the one hand and guarantee privacy protection on the other? Digital identities enable access to the digital society. They represent persons, organisations and objects in the digital world and are […]