
Entries by Annett Laube

How does data become powerful? Definition of ethical data market

With the Posmo project, researchers at BFH are developing a trustworthy data space for mobility. Our Scientists are developing and automating a secure market for mobility data for the Posmo cooperative. The ethical governance model guarantees that the protection of privacy is prioritised over economic interests. In the first part, the team describes among other […]

A “data bridge” for business relationships

Business processes between two and more companies, so-called business-to-business (B2B) relationships, are mostly handled electronically today. Portals are used for many of these B2B business processes. The service provider (supplier) offers its services and products on the portal. In order to use the services offered in a B2B context, the partner companies often have to […]

What solutions exist for the transfer of identity information

Business processes between two and more companies, so-called Business-To-Business (B2B) relationships, are mostly handled electronically today. But if you look closely, you will still find many manual steps that often generate high indirect costs. The cause is usually a lack of information about employees of one company, which is needed to efficiently manage the business […]

Posmo: Ethical revolution in the mobility data market

To revolutionise the Swiss mobility data market and thereby help us to better understand our mobility behaviour and thus shape our living space more effectively. This is the ambitious goal of the Posmo (Positive Mobility) cooperative. It wants Posmo to collect high-quality mobility data and make it available anonymously to urban developers, researchers and public […]

What contemporary identity management must fulfil

With increasing data protection requirements, it is becoming more and more important to take the data sovereignty of users into account. Therefore, user-centric approaches are being discussed in identity management that ensure user privacy in addition to overall system security. An identity holder should disclose as little information as possible to an auditing service and, […]

Will “Verifiable Credentials” replace X.509 certificates in the future?

X.509 certificates have been around for over 40 years. They are used for the identification of subjects (web servers, persons, etc.). They are considered trusted and proven credentials and we rely on them every day. So why introduce Verifiable Credentials (VC), a new technology unknown to the general public? In order to be able to […]