What contemporary identity management must fulfil

With increasing data protection requirements, it is becoming more and more important to take the data sovereignty of users into account. Therefore,…

Free the data! – How the health sector is overcoming the system blockade

The fourth Praevenire Digital Health Symposium in Seitenstetten, Austria, focused on the use of health data and how this would improve healthcare.…

Why better usability makes the digital world more socially just

Simple, easy-to-use interfaces should be a matter of course today. But machine logic is still too often in the foreground and leads to unnecessary…

Data Colonialism and the Role of the Public Sector 

Data is not only the oil of the digital age, but also a commodity that can be unethically obtained or misused. Prof. Dr Ulises Mejîas from the…

The future of healthcare: from vision to best practices

On the one hand, the pandemic has posed new challenges for the healthcare system, on the other hand, it has provided a considerable impetus for…

Why we should sometimes think in terms of Zero and One – a podcast episode about digital skills

Being able to teach artificial intelligence our chaotic thinking - that is a skill we will need in the future. Using technologies profitably…