Lessons from Covid-19 – How theatre reaches its audience digitally (2)

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The digitisation of theatre first failed over 20 years ago. Now it's time to break new digital ground, in all the arts. We have the economic…

Looking back at Connecta 2020 – what will the future be like?

Due to the pandemic, Swiss Post's "Connecta" digital conference was held as a purely digital event this year. But even in its new format, it…

Lessons from Covid-19 – the digital arts (1)

Covid-19 has hit the performing arts particularly hard. While there have been many notable digital initiatives that point a way forward, on balance…

How professional men’s football is going digital

Big data has long since found its way into match analysis in football. In their master's thesis, two students at BFH Wirtschaft investigated…

The Asymmetric Effects Of COVID-19 on the Labor Market Performance of Mothers and Fathers

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COVID-19 confinement measures imposed a tremendous burden on families with young children: schooling and childcare had to be provided in the…

Lessons from Covid-19 – Digital Universities (1)

The lockdown has changed higher education - probably permanently. Much will have to be redesigned in the coming years, but for now the challenges…