How Lenzburg is becoming a smart city

The city of Lenzburg is solving more and more offers in a digital way. On the topic of Smart City, the city is launching a specialist series specifically for this purpose, as our author Dominik Grögler writes. How can small and medium-sized cities advance digitalisation and benefit their citizens? How can internal city processes be improved and automated? What potentials are opening up with regard to sustainable and resource-saving urban development?

Figure 1: savisio works with a city to determine which problems need to be solved, which technologies are available and which projects are currently being implemented. savisio finds suitable partners from industry and research and forms project teams and working groups to develop solutions. The working groups AG Technik and Projektteams develop solutions and present them at the symposia.

These and other questions are answered in the annual Smart City Lenzburg series with concrete implementation projects. The starting point for the specialist series is the problems and challenges of small and medium-sized towns. For the first event, this is the town of Lenzburg. The problems to be solved are jointly defined in several workshops. Savisio AG then brings together experts from industry and research and puts together working groups. These work out generic proposals for solutions and present them at a specialist conference using implemented application examples. The symposia are held every year in Lenzburg; the first symposium will take place on 28 May 2020 in Lenzburg Castle. The target groups of the symposium are decision-makers, specialists and project managers from public administrations (Confederation, cantons, municipalities) as well as partners from industry and research. The participants of the conference will be informed in advance about the problems and solutions by means of interactive online sequences. At the conference, participants will have the opportunity to test the applicability of the solutions to their own problems in workshops and to provide input for the follow-up phase. Currently, four working groups are working on the following problems:

  1. Payment solution: The various services of the town of Lenzburg, from swimming pool admission to refuse collection and parking, can be used today via different payment solutions. This causes a lot of administrative work, is expensive and unattractive for users.
  2. Mobility: The traffic routes in the town of Lenzburg are heavily congested. Weather-dependent excursion points and events cause short-term congestion. One of the causes is traffic searching for parking spaces.
  3. Environment / energy: The town of Lenzburg would like to further promote sustainability and energy efficiency, curb light pollution and optimise the operation and maintenance of the facilities while maintaining or increasing safety.
  4. Data: Lenzburg has many different systems in use with many different types of data. Many of the systems are proprietary, and data sovereignty is often unclear. Systems for the collection, processing and use / provision of the data as well as the formal and legal foundations are not in place.

Figure 2: The first three symposia 2020 – 2022 are accompanied by the working groups People (M) and Organisation (O).

Over the period of the first three symposia, the effects on people in the world of work (M) and on organisations (O) will be examined on the basis of predefined questions, starting with the respective technological solutions (T). The motivation of this MTO approach is to gain insights and to develop and derive assistance from them so that people and organisations can shape change processes or approach them prepared.

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AUTHOR: Dominik Groegler

Dominik Grögler holds a doctorate in biophysics. In leading positions at Bernmobil and Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich, he developed concepts and systems for passenger information and data exchange between public transport companies. He is a partner at Savisio AG.

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