Call for Papers: Effects of digitalisation on business models in the digital city
In June 2018, the issue entitled “Effects of digitalisation on business models in the digital city” will be published. We invite you to submit an abstract by 23 April 2018 and, if accepted, to submit an article for the online magazine.
Abstracts can be sent to
Possible topics for contributions:
- NEW BUSINESS MODELS: Digitalisation enables novel data-based business models. We are looking forward to receiving contributions explaining and evaluating such new models in concrete terms in specific industries.
- “WINNER-TAKES-TAKES-IT-IT-ALL”: Will digitized business models in the urban environment be dominated by the big players such as Google and Apple or the telecom providers, or are there on the contrary opportunities for new players? What are the risks, what are the prospects?
- BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT, INNOVATION AND ECONOMIC PROMOTION: What can or must cities do to create an innovative environment for both existing companies and start-ups? What opportunities are there for start-ups and how does this increase the attractiveness of a city? We are looking forward to both overview articles and concrete examples of how individual cities operate here.
- INVOLVEMENT OF PEOPLE: To what extent are the population and their needs involved in the development of digital services? Is co-creation just a buzzword or is it actually used in practice?
- FROM PROTOTYPES TO INNOVATION: In the digital environment, prototypes of new applications are quickly built – hackathons are just one example of how ideas are generated and implemented quickly. But how do we move from a prototype to a sustainable and commercially successful solution?
- INFLUENCE OF REGULATIONS: Where are existing regulations hampering new business models and innovations? Or on the contrary, where are new or different types of regulation needed? We look forward to controversial contributions.

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