CfP: Value and Values in E-Government

SocietyByte is an online magazine for networking knowledge and know-how around the digital transformation of economy, state and society. In March 2017, the issue on the topic of e-government (3/17) will deal with the topic “Value and values in e-government”. We invite you to submit an abstract by 30 November 2016 and, if the abstract is accepted, to write an article for the online magazine. The editorial deadline for contributions is 06 February 2016. Abstracts can be sent to Possible topics for contributions: 1. QUANTITATIVE EX-POST EVALUATION: We are looking forward to expert contributions that quantitatively evaluate the benefits of concrete e-government solutions after their implementation. 2. THE EFFECT ON LOCATION ATTRACTIVITY: We look forward to projects that examine the effect of planned or already implemented e-government projects on location attractiveness. 3. THE “VALUES” OF SUSTAINABILITY: Three important sustainability perspectives in eGovernment are: a.) multiple use (as in the eGovernment Strategy Switzerland), b.) low redesign costs in the future and c.) inclusiveness (i.e. making services available to all population groups). We look forward to receiving expert contributions on the evaluation of the benefits of sustainability in terms of a.), b.) or c.). 4. DATA AS A VALUABLE ASSET: We often read that data is like gold or oil. We look forward to expert contributions that assess the value of government data. 5. THE VALUE OF A PARADIGM: “Only-once” or even “At-most-once” is the new paradigm in European eGovernment. We look forward to contributions that examine the costs and benefits of realising this paradigm in practice. 6. THE COSTS AND BENEFITS OF VALUES: We look forward to contributions that present the costs of guaranteeing values – such as privacy, access for all – in concrete projects.

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AUTHOR: Adam Moriarty

Adam Moriarty, Digital Collections Information Manager at Auckland museum is tasked with raising awareness and driving innovation in traditional museums data capture. He is passionate about open access to our shared cultural heritage, unlocking cross collections stories and connecting digital content with the wider community. Over the past two years he has wrangled the different stands of interdisciplinary data into a cohesive resource for the Auckland Museum’s collection online.

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