General Assembly of the Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services

More than 20 of the 28 members of the Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services met in Zurich for the General Assembly on November 11th 2016 and discussed the status of the network and the planned activities for next year.

The mission of the Alliance is to provide a significant contribution to make Switzerland an internationally recognized hub for data-driven value creation. The activities are supported by the Commission for Technology and Innovation and focus on three main areas: (1) Innovation: Catalyze scientific innovation into data-driven products, services and business models, (2) Education: Provide training on both technical and business related topics around data-driven value creation and (3) Inspiration: Make achievements visible and thus inspire innovation and entrepreneurship. Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services stands for innovation in the entire data-driven value creation chain and focus on two pillars: Industrial services around Industry 4.0 / Internet-of-Things and Digital and mobile services for humans.

Bern University of Applied Sciences, E-Government Institute is a founding member and active in different expert groups, as e.g. data architecture and big data infrastructure.

More about Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services.

Save the date: 4rd Swiss Conference on Data Science: June 12, 2017, Kursaal Bern.

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AUTHOR: Alessia Neuroni

Alessia Neuroni leitet das Institut Public Sector Transformation der BFH Wirtschaft. Sie ist Schwerpunktverantwortliche Big und Open Data am BFH-Zentrum Digital Society. Ihre thematischen Schwerpunkte sind Data Governance und Führung behördenübergreifender Innovationsvorhaben.

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